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Schedule my most popular crystal healing session

at a discounted price!


Regular price is $333.00, so act fast.


I'm here to fully support the rise in power of empaths, healers, mystics, oracles,

mediums, channelers, witches, and shamans of the world.


The world needs us in our power now!


Get your chakra and energy body system read and balanced, with a detailed report loaded with book recommendations, journal prompts, affirmations, spiritual life coaching tips, crystal healing rx and spirit messages. 


These sessions are great to tap into

what's going on in your inner world from an energy body anatomy standpoint and they give lots of pointers to continue the balancing work on yourself.

Full Chakra Analisis + Balance.png
Full Chakra Analysis + Balance

$ 222 | 2 hours

Check what your energy centers are doing and what exactly to do to balance them out. 


You will receive one or several of the following healing modalities:

- Reiki

- Crystal Reiki

- Full written report

This Offer is only available for a limited time!

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